The Art of Photography Podcast meet up

The Art of photography Ted forbes london meet Group

As a regular viewer of Ted Forbes "

the art of photography

" podcast and a fan, i was excited to see that Ted and his good lady were coming over to London for a meet up/ photo walk.

We met up some great photographers, some of who had travelled a great distance to partake. 

Here are some of my favourite images that i took from the day. 

The art of photography London meet up
The art of photography Ted forbes
The art of photography london meet more London the shard building
The art of photography London tate gallery reflection
The art of photography london bourgh market
The art of photography Ernie hat
The art of photography men walking down the stairs

Camera's and beer... A quality afternoon if you ask me :0) 

The art of photography london meet up more london river Thames
The art of photography london meet tower bridge