
Robert Gordon University.

03 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg


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Thats us well into 2020 now..

Here are some images of Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University.

02 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

“Omni Nunc Arte Magistra”

“Now by all your mastered arts”

Robert Gordon University, commonly called RGU, is a public university in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland.

03 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

The university derives from Robert Gordon's Hospital, an institution set up in the mid-18th century to provide the poor with a basic education and reasonable start in life, and the various educational institutions which developed in Aberdeen to provide adults with technical, vocational and artistic training, mostly in the evenings and part-time. Following numerous mergers between these establishments, it became Robert Gordon's Technical College in 1910, then following further developments became Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology in 1965 and began to conduct increasing amounts of research and provide degree-level education (by now mostly offering day classes to full-time students). Finally, it became a university in 1992.

01 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

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