
Annan House Aberdeen

Drone photography; Annan House; Aberdeen; Enquest; Worley Parsons; Lee Ramsden; oil and gas; office..jpg

While I am now spending 75% of my time in Aberdeen.

I am out documenting some buildings and offices of Aberdeen.

So today I start with Annan House which EnQuest and WorleyParsons occupy in the city centre. Early morning it catches the sun beautifully.

Completed in 2015 this eight storey building provides 120,000ft2 of grade ‘A’ office space. This building has led to the physical regeneration of a neglected and run down area of the City and also act as a catalyst in generating additional long-term economic activity for the Aberdeen harbour area and city in general.

I hope that you have a good weekend.

All the best


Robert Gordon University.

03 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg


Hows things?

Thats us well into 2020 now..

Here are some images of Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University.

02 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

“Omni Nunc Arte Magistra”

“Now by all your mastered arts”

Robert Gordon University, commonly called RGU, is a public university in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland.

03 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

The university derives from Robert Gordon's Hospital, an institution set up in the mid-18th century to provide the poor with a basic education and reasonable start in life, and the various educational institutions which developed in Aberdeen to provide adults with technical, vocational and artistic training, mostly in the evenings and part-time. Following numerous mergers between these establishments, it became Robert Gordon's Technical College in 1910, then following further developments became Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology in 1965 and began to conduct increasing amounts of research and provide degree-level education (by now mostly offering day classes to full-time students). Finally, it became a university in 1992.

01 Robert Gordon; University; Aberdeen; Scotland; Drone Photography; Lee Ramsden.jpg

Keep in touch and be sure to subscribe to my news letter if you have not yet.


Scene lighting technique.

Nikon D800 f7.1 1/8th ISO100

Good morning, 

Id like to share with you a lighting technique that you can use to light a scene, even when working on your own. 

The above image consists of 21 images, all shot and lit by myself, and i am even in the image, to add some interest. 

I will show you, how i take multiple images, all lit with off camera flash, and then the process i take in photoshop.


02 Off camera flash wireless trigger pocket wizard boom illuminating the scene

Here you can see me using an off camera flash head on a pole, with the trigger in my right hand firing off the flash and camera shutter remotely. 

Click on image to enlarge.

The final image is composed of 21 frames. 

The camera was mounted on a tripod. White balance taken off auto, manual settings, and with me using back button focusing on the camera, i know when i press the remote, the camera will not try and focus, making all the images consistent. 

05 Start image quick tip on how to flash light

Quick tip, 

Like when making panos, my first image is a large image of me, so i can find the set easily in bridge. 

Also this is a great way to make sure that the flash and camera shutter both fire correctly. 

As when using pocket wizards as the remote, the flash PW has to be set to a channel higher and some times i forget this, and so it is always a good idea to test everything before getting started and walking far into the scene. 

04 adobe bridge using photoshop tools loading layers

Using bridge i select all the images that i want to use, and from here you can easily load them into photoshop as a single document with 21 layers. 

06 using lighten blend mode in photoshop CC

Now turn off all layers, and starting from the bottom layer i work my way up through the stack, turning on, one layer at a time, changing the blend mode to Lighten. 

07 using a mask in photoshop CC

With the blend mode on lighten, the flash light will show. 

Also you will see indicated in this image the hot spot of the flash is in the image. This is easy to mask out. Also i remain in the image by some strange artefacts, just simply mask these out. 

After some cleaning and tweaking here is the before and after image.

The before being unlit. 

It is a subtle difference, but one i find takes your images to that next level. 

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and i hope to help. 



