
Muay Thai fighter.

Good Morning,

Today id like to share some photos documenting a Thai Muay Thai fighter.

This gentleman is a trainer, spending 6 to 7 days a week teaching Muay Thai primarily to foreigners and travelers who want to experience authentic Muay Thai practices.

The majority of trainers come from a fighting background, where they will have from a very early age fought every 3-4 weeks. As a comparison in the rest of the world a fight would usually be 3-4 times a year.

They clock up literally hundreds and hundreds of professional fights. Once they are no longer on the professional circuit they take up coaching.

But due to the low wages they subsidise this with additional fights.

A lot of these fights are not as typically matched as what we would expect in a Western world, where we are in strict weight classes.

The elder Thai fighters, fight much heavier challengers who are young enough to be their grandchildren. But with the experience of professional fights clocking in their hundreds, this is merely another day in the office.

Prior to the fight, we all arrived at the stadium and the fighter took up a seat in the audience. Even with all the hustle bustle and loud Thai fight music, he managed to sleep. All the Western fighters were getting pumped up, headphones on, shadow boxing and trying to get into the zone.

When it was time, he emerged for a slumber, calm, and collected, changed into his shorts, donned a pair of gloves and set to work……