
Animated Gif - Cinemagraph

Canary Wharf London UK animated gif animation time lapse


I was recently having a play with some Cinemagraphs, Where a still image has some motion.

This post was an experiment on how they will display on this blog. 

As a reference for myself this is a 3.4MB file 1200x774px.


This video is a time-lapse that was shot of Canary Wharf, I think the technique is pretty cool and will shoot some footage to have a play with this again. 





Lytham Time lapse iPhone images.

Kessler crane timer oracle controler control count down timelapse uk england

Here are a few iPhone images taken whilst i was waiting for a time lapse set up to complete.

As you can see from the above image i had 4 and a half hours to kill...

Kessler crane timer oracle controler control count down timelapse uk england cineslider slide

The Kessler Cineslider. So far I'm pretty impressed with this bit of kit. Each time i take a time-lapse it gets tweaked and set up slightly different. Using lighting stands and moveable heads with the aid of a spirit level helps no end in getting the shoot straight from start to finish. 

time lapse rig kessler sun set colours nikon d700 iphone iphonography slider estury sea beach colours golden hour

My old Nikon D700 is now used for the time lapse work.  

Lytham life boat jetty pier esturay beach sea sand black and white
Lytham St Annes Lancashire England windmill sea beach sand grass bright blue sky church spire iphone image iphonography iPhone4s lee ramsden photography

Lytham green and windmill. 

Lytham Timelapse.

The attached Youtube video is my first attempt. (well with usable footage)

and a play with 4K.

On average each sequence was around 4hours of shooting time. Which on a cold January morning, or evening certainly makes the process harder and you have to check and double check everything so not to waste your time by not producing any usable footage. Which happened on more than one occasion.

Below are some stills taken from playing with a time-lapse rig.

This is something that i really like the look of and will be pursuing the opportunities further.

green windmill timelapse Lytham St Annes Lancashire night time

Nikon D700 F8 5.0 ISO800

Lytham green windmill timelapse St Annes Lancashire sunrise

Nikon D700 F8 2.0 ISO800

Lytham green windmill St Annes Lancashire

Nikon D700 F8 1/400th ISO200

Lytham St Annes Lancshire pier wood wooden dog walkers

Nikon D700 F5 1/8000th  ISO200

green windmill timelapse Lytham St Annes Lanacshire setting sun sea reflection

Nikon D700 F5 1/125th ISO200

green windmill timelapse Lytham St Annes Lancashire pier wood wooden setting sun sea reflection

Nikon D700 F5 1.6 ISO800

Volvo V50 - play with a car rig.

Volvo V50 Car Photography Rig mounting Hague Manfrotto poles

Nikon D800 f10 1/30th ISO800 (multiple flash exposure)

I know that we are all guilty of this, i purchased some camera kit, and it has just sat there for months unused... (this is just me? - yeah right)

And so it was time to have a play. I purchased some car rig - mounting equipment. For making the movement shots you see in magazines.

Volvo V50 Car Photography Rig mounting Hague Manfrotto

Nikon D800 f5 1/13th ISO 800

Here is a final shot, with using a slower shutter speed to give the sense of movement, i would of been blurred in the shot, and so inside the car is a strobe light, set to rear curtain sync to give a pop of light to freeze me, and make me sharper. 

I triggered the camera and flash using pocket wizard 3's. I find these work a treat. I have one in my hand, and when i press the button the camera fires, and the flash. 

Volvo V50 Car, Photography Rig mounting Hague Manfrotto poles motion

Nikon D800 f3.2 1/15th ISO 400

A Shot of the mounting system attached to the bonnet. 

Volvo V50 Car Photography Rig mounting Hague Manfrotto poles motion car photography

Nikon D800 f5 1/13th ISO800

Added another pole to extend the reach of the camera. I felt the camera was too heavy for this though, as the poles were worryingly bending, and so only a very slow speed was used when driving.

Here is a short Video of the top image, being taken and processed. 

