Fire team

BP Miller, breaking containment

blog, breaking containment, breathing, aparatus, BA, compressed air, drilling, BP Miller, decommissioning, Petrofac, Saipem, Jose, Lee Ramsden, industrial photographer


Today id like to show some images of large task involved when safely decommissioning an oil and gas rig. The task is called breaking containment. 

breaking of containment, gas, h2s, drill, breathing aparatus, BA, oxygen bottle, safety equipment, RPE, industrial photographer, Lee Ramsden

Where pipework has to be cut or flanges opened, we have to prove what was inside the pipe work previously, to ensure that it is safe via a gas test.

breaking,containment, wearing, BA, breathing, saber, drager, aparatus, oxygen bottles, RPE, safety, offshore, oil and gas, Lee Ramsden

To prove that the pipe is safe to cut a gas test is required.  As the pipework has not yet been proven safe, all this is conducted under full breathing apparatus to protect the technicians drilling into the pipes from hazardous substances. 

Breaking containment, drilling, gas testing, breathing aparatus, BA, RPE, safety equipment, industrial, Photography, Lee Ramsden, Offshore, north sea, oil and gas industry
Breaking containment, drilling, gas testing, breathing aparatus, BA, RPE, safety equipment, industrial, Photography, Lee Ramsden, Offshore, north sea, oil and gas industry 02

Fire team emergency response exercise.

blog, Fire team, fire chief, weekly, excercise, drill, muster, practice, oil and gas industry, industrial, firemen, rig, platform, BP Miller, Petrofac, Lee Ramsden 01


Following on from last weeks post, today we see the Emergency response team practicing if there was an emergency inside the accommodation. 

Above is the fire team leader, his role here is directing his fire team, maintaining communications between his team, and the platform control room. 

Emergency response, exercise, breifing, offshore,, oil and gas

The O.I.M setting the scene, and briefing the emergency fire team.  

For exercise - there has been indication of smoke inside the accommodation. 

fire team leader, FLT, offshore, oil and gas, industrail, fire man, firefighter, briefing

Fire team leader, briefing his team on a suspected accommodation fire indicated on the panel. 

blog, Fire team, weekly, excercise, drill, muster, practice, oil and gas industry, industrial, firemen, rig, platform, BP Miller, Petrofac, Lee Ramsden 02

Fire team, updating the leader with information. 

fire men, accomodation fire, exercise, drill, practice, door technique, door drills, back of hand, testing, Jim Coyle, James Coyle, north sea, offshore, oil and gas industry, photo by, Lee Ramsden

Fire team, practicing safe fire door drills. 

Emergency response, exercise, breifing, offshore,, oil and gas

O.I.M and his Deputy, reading through the Emergency response plan.

Emergency response, exercise, breifing, offshore,, oil and gas

O.I.M updating the platform personnel, on the situation. The deputy O.I.M calling the coast guard, for exercise purposes informing them of our drill, and establishing helicopter response times.

Emergency response, exercise, breifing, offshore,, oil and gas

The scribe, updates relevant information, like wind direction and sea conditions incase we needed to evacuate. 

Hello, long time no see...

Lee Ramsden, portrait, selfie, health and safety advisor, rope access supervisor, lancashire, professional, photographer, photography.



Well... Hello, its been a while. 

Lets catch up, 

Most will know, that my day job is working in the oil and gas industry.

Since January i have been involved with the decommissioning of a north sea oil and gas rig, called the BP Miller. 

The picture taking had to take a back seat. The next post will explain in more detail what the project entails. 

But stick around, i have uploaded lots of content which will be coming out on a weekly basis, a new post every Sunday. 

So please subscribe, and follow the story and images of life offshore in the oil and gas industry on a decommissioning project. 



blog, Fire team, selfie, breathing aparatus, edited, stylised, torch, Lee Ramsden, photo of lee ramsden, monochrome.