Dunstable Bedfordshire

Dont Let Dunstable Die...

I have met up with, a couple of times now the ladies who are running the DLDD campaign, and what a fantastic job they are doing for the town.

We met with the intention for a couple of promotional shots that they can use, but as you can see the weather wasnt playing ball and so we will meet again soon. 

Also keep watching as when i can ill be attending some of the functions that they are doing, and so ill post images of the great things happending in Dunstable in the future.

A couple of short


explaining their campaign.

Check out  their


 to see the latest news in Dunstable. 

Dont let Dunstable die long live dunstable

The Ladies Bio...

Sharon and Sharon are two ladies who want to help Dunstable to become the lovely market town it once was, please give us your views and ideas. Together we can make a difference. Long Live Dunstable!

"Tell your friends and spread the word, Dunstable must be heard.Long Live Dunstable can't be wrong,the supporters are growing forever strong. We believe in Dunstable and the support that you give, so let's all make Dunstable,the best place to live!"

We are now as of 15th December 2010 two ladies who want to help Dunstable to become the lovely market town it once was, please give us your views and ideas.


Long Live Dunstable (Don't Let Dunstable Die) was established last year by two woman to help raise the profile of our Historic town of Dunstable and to keep the supporting public informed as to what is happening as best we can. We have no businesses in Dunstable or political agendas just a passion to see our town great again. Thank you for your continued support.

"Tell your friends and spread the word, Dunstable must be heard. Long Live Dunstable can't be wrong,The supporters are growing forever strong. We believe in Dunstable and the support that you give, So let's all make Dunstable, the best place to live!


Stage Writer. Jessica Luxembourg.

I was asked recently to do some portraiture head shots and promo shots for a fantastic stage / screen writer actress Jessica Luxembourg.

With having a little bit of notice with this shoot, i wanted to set it, in a relevant location.

I came up with the idea of having books in the back ground and so set about trying to find a willing bookshop.

I thought the best places to try would be small independently run stores, and so the search began...

They are becoming harder and harder to find. Even this store will be closed at the end of the month.

I think due to the Internet, people do not seem to visit these places any more. Even i am very guilty of this. As it is far to easy to order books from say Amazon or if going to a store we head to Waterstones as they have a huge collection of items. It is a great shame with the changing world the "small business" has an almost impossible fight to remain in the game. 

This was shot in the book castle over in Dunstable,

A big thanks to the ladies who run the shop, They were great and very friendly, with out their help i do not think i would of been able to achieve my goal and so would of had to resort with another back drop.

Jessica Luxembourg stage writer actor 01
Jessica Luxembourg stage writer actor 02 black and white
Jessica Luxembourg stage writer actor black and white books
Jessica Luxembourg stage writer actor 07 books

Biography of Jessica Luxembourg

Jessica Luxembourg is an award-winning writer

(International Student Playscript Competition, Arc Productions sponsorship, Time Out DVious Shorts Award)

Whose work has been performed at venues including the Hackney Empire,

the Soho Theatre and the Pleasance Courtyard.

Her short film "Phil's Job" was produced by Blaze, The Trail with Nick Rowe (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)

in the title role and screened at the Cannes, Melbourne and Raindance film festivals. Jessica is a graduate of the MA in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, and of Cambridge University.

Jessica's plays include:

Denver, Contact Theatre, Manchester (2006);

Babel Junction, Hackney Empire (2006);

The Devil's Own Goldfish Scam, Soho Theatre (2003);

Insane Jane, Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh, transferred to Soho Theatre (2003);

Reflecting Flesh, UEA Studio Theatre (2001);

Losing Track, UEA Studio Theatre (2001);

and Craze, UEA Studio Theatre (2000).

Her short films include: Phil's Job, Cannes, Raindance and Melbourne film festivals (2001).

Snow in Dunstable.

I spent Christmas at work on an oil rig,

I was down in the south of England for New Year with family and loved ones.

As you are all aware the weather has been awful of late.

We got it hard in the North Sea over Christmas, I was itching to get home and have a play in the snow with the camera before it all melted.

Well, my luck was in, i’m now in Dunstable and the heavens are open, I set out to get some pictures of the snow. 

<img src="snow scene" alt="Dunstable west street baptist church burial grave yard christianity lee ramsden Bedfordshire"> 

The sky was dark and not looking good, I took a few shots of the people who were wrapped up warm braving the cold. 

Whilst on the retreat back to the house... 

feeling a bit disappointed, as there wasn't much that could be taken. I see the sky start to clear. 

Oh yes, happy days....

I take my time to see what will unfold before my eyes. Some stunning colours started to come out.

I took a few snapshots of the cold and grey. My favourite piece of the weather is the cemetery scene.


<img src="Father and child on the snow" alt="Dunstable downs Ciltern Chilterns Lee Ramsden"> 
<img src=" Dunstable Downs" alt="snow milfs house wives walking dogging dog walking">