Good Morning,
As most are aware with my day job, i spend half my life at airports traveling. And so this time i brought my little Fuji X-T1 along for a ride, and took some shots while i was awaiting to board the plane.
Good Morning,
As most are aware with my day job, i spend half my life at airports traveling. And so this time i brought my little Fuji X-T1 along for a ride, and took some shots while i was awaiting to board the plane.
Last night i went round to a very good mate of mine's in Manchester. After a few beers the camera came out and so we had a mess around.
Here are a couple of images - the making of the idea, and the finished image…
Here are a couple of images that I have taken.
I have seen many versions of the light trails and wanted to give it a try, the lights are not that pin sharp, as I would have liked and so I will definitely revisit this idea at a later time.
I am Currently Living in Manchester, right in the centre which is fantastic, in the days my house mate works, and so trying to learn and take better shots, (like us all) i walk about town, trying to find cool things to shoot.
here are a few image
i hope you enjoy.