
Amsterdam canal by boat.

Amsterdam canal boat ride

As followers of this blog will know i head over to Amsterdam at least twice a year,

It is such an amazing city, spilling out at the seams with art and design. 

My favourite way to view this city has to be on the canals by boat. Im very lucky that my cousin and her fella have their own boat. 

Grab some beers, head out and enjoy the diverse and interesting sites of Amsterdam!

Amsterdam views by boat
Amsterdam canal boat captain
Sexy Amsterdam
Amsterdam red light district girls in the windows

A couple of days in Amsterdam.

Once again i headed over to Amsterdam to catch up with my family and friends out there for the Queensday celebrations. 

Here are a few images from the couple of days i spent there. 

Amsterdam break dancing on the street

 Street performers in the main square.

Amsterdam queens kings day orange photo frame orange

Have you picture taken.. and a beer all for  €4.. bargain! Thats where wedding photographers are going wrong, they dont include any beer in their packages...

Amsterdam canal geracht queens kings day full of party boats people wearing orange

One busy party Canal.  

Amsterdam Queens Kings day street selling cocktails

This lady is having a good time. 

Amsterdam Queens Kings day canal boats orange flare and smoke


Amsterdam Queens Kings day free hugs

They say you dont get anything for free... 

Amsterdam Queens Kings day street party

 Street party.

Amsterdam Queens Kings day live out door music
Amsterdam Queens Kings day family dancing

My aunty and cousin rock and rolling.. I love the smile on my aunts face, it shows how happy we all were to be there.  

Amsterdam Lumix GF1 low light high ISO amazing camera cafe de paridiso rega bouncy castle lion dj

A Bouncy Castle, a Lion and an African DJ... only in Amsterdam.. 

Amsterdam, Queens Day April 30th 2010.

I ended up travelling over to Holland to party at Queens day in Amsterdam.

If you are like me you probably have not heard of this day before, i think it's a Dutch secret...

But WOW what a day!

The day origins from a previous Queens birthday, which the people still remain to celebrate.

The Dutch people are very much like the Brits and enjoy a good drink and party!

Queens day starts off early, where the towns people are out in force selling there possessions on the streets.

The buyers and sellers are all drinking, there are boats with HUGE sound systems booming out tunes which adds to the party atmosphere.

The sellers, then get drunk and seem to wonder off from their pitch.

As you walk the Streets of Amsterdam you turn a corner, the roads are blocked off and a DJ has set up shop with party go-errs dancing, drinking having a great time.

Here are a few images from my time there...

bicycle ride Amsterdam moving camera panning backie tows up
Amsterdam street shoppers pushing bicycles bikes
Mirror view reflection Amsterdam Queens day Kings day celebrations orange
Amsterdam outdoor street party DJ playing music TWSTD
Amsterdam party goers enjoying music queens day kings day
Queens day amsterdam street party DJ playing music
Amsterdam kelly moss lee ramsden umbrella bikes silloette